Saturday, November 5, 2022

MTU Weekend Ed. - Pullback (11/4/22 close)



  1. CHART 1 The size of the waves since in the past 11 mths are much larger than those of the 2020-21 advance, indicating a higher deg move. Your thoughts on this MTU as to what it means ?

    Corrections in the 20-21 advance were no more than 300pts whereas the rallies on the decline since 21 at almost double that.

    1. not sure if one should read too much into it. Usually these are measures to help gauge a reversal of the prior wave. In this case, prior wave is the blue 3 or red H, we know that a reversal has already occurred as blue 4 or red A.

    2. Reversal ? Are you says blue 4 or red A is in place ?

      And how many waves do you are in blue 4 or red A ?
      There's certainly more than 3 waves there (from blue 3) and if you are saying 5 waves (for 4 or A) it doesnt look complete to me.
